You got it so right guys! Tarzan loves the food - thank you…
Katy Tome, mother of Tarzan (5yr old Terrier)

Rockster food is yummy and Yara loves it!
Gian Kasper, father of Yara, (6yr old mixed rescue dog)

Best dog food ever. Chili wants a double portion and Sheila starts behaving like a puppy again with her 14 years.
Dr. Stefan Gass, father of Sheila and Cili (3yr & 14yr old Jack Russell Terriers)

Bear has been on Rockster for over a year now and the change in her is remarkable. No one can believe she is five, because of her energy she is always mistaken for a puppy…
Caroline Foster, mother of Bear (5yr old Cocker Spaniel)

He sees the can and literally starts to sing with joy and excitement… and licks the bowl until not a smidgeon is left! Wow.
Carolin Greiner, mother of Nicky (1yr old Yorkshire Terrier)

Rockster has proved an absolute godsend for us as owners. Fudge has always been difficult with his food and we were very concerned...
Jamie & Sarah Morrison, parents of Caramel Super Fudge (1yr old Cocker Spaniel)